Key Publications
Kahshin Leow & T. Lindenthal (2025). “Enhancing Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Return Forecasts via Machine Learning”, Real Estate Economics.
Wan, W. and T. Lindenthal (2022). “Testing Machine Learning Systems in Real Estate”. Real Estate Economics.
Clapp, J. and T. Lindenthal (2022). “Urban land valuation with bundled good and land residual assumptions”. Journal of Housing Economics.
P. Eichholtz, M. Korevaar, T. Lindenthal and R. Tallec (2021). “The Total Return to Residential Real Estate”, Review of Financial Studies.
Clapp, J., Cohen, J. and T. Lindenthal (2021). “Are Estimates of Rapid Growth in Urban Land Values an Artifact of the Land Residual Model?”. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.
Lindenthal, T. and E. Johnson (2021). “Machine Learning, Architectural Styles and Property Values”. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.
Lindenthal, T. (2020) “Beauty in the Eye of the Home-Owner: Aesthetic Zoning and Residential Property Values”. Real Estate Economics, 48(2).
Lindenthal, T., Eichholtz P. and D. Geltner (2017). “Land Assembly in Amsterdam, 1832-2015”. Journal of Regional Science and Urban Economics.
Lindenthal, T. (2016). “Monocentric Cyberspace: The Primary Market for Internet Domain Names“. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.
Eichholtz P. and T. Lindenthal (2014). “Demographics, Human Capital, and the Demand for Housing”. Journal of Housing Economics.
Lindenthal, T. (2013), “Valuable Words: The Price Dynamics of Internet Domain Names“, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. doi: 10.1002/asi.23012.
Lindenthal, T., and C. Loebbecke (2014). “Pricing Quality Attributes of Internet Domain Names: A Hedonic Model of Words”, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Savannah, GA, USA.
Clapp, J. M., Eichholtz, P. and T. Lindenthal (2013). “Real Option Value over a Housing Market Cycle”, Journal of Regional Science and Urban Economics, 43 (6), 862-874.
Ambrose, B., Eichholtz, P. and T. Lindenthal (2013). “House Prices and Fundamentals: 355 Years of Evidence.” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 45 (2)
Other Publications
J.T. Ooi, T. Lindenthal & D.C. Ling (2020). “Real Estate Finance & Investment Symposium”. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 61, p313–315.
Lindenthal, T. (2017). “Estimating Supply Elasticities for Residential Real Estate in the UK“, in: Huang, B., Cao K. and E. Silva (Eds.) Comprehensive Geographic Information Systems: Socio-economic applications. Elsevier.
Lindenthal, T. and P. Eichholtz (2011) “Prolonged Crisis: Housing in Germany and Berlin”. In Bardok, A., Edelstein, R., and Kroll, C., editors, Global Housing: Markets, Crises, Institutions, and Policies. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.
Eichholtz P. and T. Lindenthal. (2008) “Behoeftes en belemmeringen in de woningbouw: Een lange termijn perspectief” . In Preadvies – Agenda voor de woningmarkt. Den Haag: Koninklijke vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde.
Lindenthal, T. and P. Eichholtz. (2008) “Demographic Change, Human Capital and the Demand for Housing”. Europe Real Estate Yearbook. The Hague: Europe Real Estate Publishers.
Eichholtz, P. and T. Lindenthal. (2009) “How much housing will we need in the future – and why is it so difficult to build it in time?”, Holland Real Estate Yearbook. The Hague: Europe Real Estate Publishers. p202-205.
Eichholtz, P. and T. Lindenthal. (2009) “Demografische krimp en woningprijzen”. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 94(4558). p249-251